TypeScript & Cypress: Type-Checking Fixtures

TypeScript & Cypress: Type-Checking Fixtures

May 19, 2023

Setting the Stage I am going to assume you are already familiar with both TypeScript and Cypress. Cypress offers excellent support for TypeScript, enabling us to harness the power of static typing for our testing process. This integration not only…

Throwing a millennium problem at OpenAI's ChatGPT

Throwing a millennium problem at OpenAI's ChatGPT

December 06, 2022

What is ChatGPT? The team at OpenAI has recently released a new and improved general purpose chatbot, which is capable of interacting with the user in a conversational way. As of the date this article was published, ChatGPT is still under research…

Start your teamwork off on the right foot

Start your teamwork off on the right foot

November 19, 2022

Introduction Starting fresh can be - pardon my silly pun - refreshing. Being part of a greenfield project from the very beginning, especially when you undertake a leading role within it, can be a source of motivation, coupled with a promise that you…

Extracting meaning: lessons from a data-first company

Extracting meaning: lessons from a data-first company

September 04, 2022

Introduction I am purposefully avoiding the buzzword "big data" in the heading of this article, however I do not mean to understate the amount of data we are working with. A plethora of diverse datasets come in fast through our applications, and…

How good are you in keeping secrets?

How good are you in keeping secrets?

August 21, 2022

Why do we need to keep secrets? I am not sure why I chose this title for this first segment of the article; I am old and experienced enough to not think about it twice - just like you. Perhaps I was looking for a good way to break the ice. Let's…

Thoughts on how to write cleaner code

Thoughts on how to write cleaner code

August 05, 2022

Introduction “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”. As Martin Fowler (not so) delicately points out: coding is a communication tool between humans rather than computers. Code…

5 mindset traits that will help propel your career in software engineering

5 mindset traits that will help propel your career in software engineering

April 18, 2022

What is a mindset? That's a reasonable question! Let's get some definitions out of the way: mindset is a thinking pattern or a frame of mind which governs the way you make sense of the world, including yourself (considering you are part of this world…

How I developed this website with Gatsby and deployed to Vercel

How I developed this website with Gatsby and deployed to Vercel

April 11, 2022

Motivation I would assume that the motivation for setting up a website, such as a blog, is pretty common: sharing knowledge and experience with the world. If you agree with that - that's great - the use case is clear. However, what would be the…

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